Flow State

60 minutes of Light, Healing Sounds, and Vibro-Acoustic immersion.

Experience a gentle yet powerful way to unplug, relax, and reset your nervous system.

Drop into your body, contacting deeply embodied relaxation state while shedding built up stress.

Flow State

You will relax on Acoustic Resonance Vibrational platform for 60 total minutes including 55 minutes under the Lucia No. 3 Psychedelic Hypnogogic Meditation Light.

This is a major energetic reset designed to integrate greater clarity, lightness of being, and a profound state of relaxation.

We recommend 3 separate hour long Flow State experiences to get the fullest sense of what this extraordinary transformational technology can do for you.


    • Thursday - Saturday
      3pm, 4:30pm, 6pm, 7:30pm

    • Sunday
      3pm, 4:30pm, 6pm

  • 1 HOUR SESSION: $69.99